Hennderson Family Films is a fully integrated diversified offshoot of the HF brand family. When Ignatius Hennderson's favored sire (McClintock Hennderson, now banking investment overseer at HF Pecuniary) was conceived HFF was simultaneously developed to create specialized content as a way to relate to and help rear the child. Families across the world have been drawn to HFF movies ever since!
Torchlight is HF’s dedicated distribution branch for all the best indies of today and tomorrow with a focus on tales of individuals. HF hopes all films under the Torchlight banner are inclusive, vibrant, and profitable! Be sure to spot us at the Sundance Film Festival!
Hennderson@Home is an umbrella moniker for several home-based Hennderson media ventures, included in this sub-company is all products and content with relations or ties to HenndersonTV (HTV), Hennderson Games, and Hennderson NEXT, the still-in-development streaming service fully dedicated to Hennderson product. Launch of the hNEXT app is currently slated for Q3 2022.